Hey everybody! I posted a new cartoon! It's called Existential, and you can watch it here:
It got me the Daily Fourth, and I guess now I can make Front Page posts, but anyways, I tried to do several new things with this animation. I added way more sound effects than I usually add, and I tried to experiment more with colors, shading, and movements. I really like how it turned out! Also, I guess this cartoon provoked some deep thinking about the human condition, and that wasn't necessarilly intended effect, but hey, I think it's cool that a cartoon could do that!
As for things I could improve on, I think I could use a little more work with lip sync, I'm not a master at shading yet, and I'm also gonna continue working on my movements a bit more.
So bottom line, I'm happy with this cartoon, I'm extremely happy I got Daily 4th, but there's still some more work to be done!
See you guys next cartoon!
Haha, I'm with Steven. I don't care anymore.
urbfilms (Updated )
Haha, yeah. It's a gift to not care!