Woah guys, guess what! I released a new animation! It's called Demotivational Speaker!
The feeling I get whenever I finish a cartoon is really rad, and I hope to finish more cartoons at a quicker rate! Now, it took me seven months to make this one minute cartoon. That's probably really hard to believe. Well, I moved across the country, I'm currently in school, and I generally don't have that much time to animate, BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR EXCUSES, AMIRIGHT? Well anyways, here's proof that I started about 6 1/2 months ago:
I didn't get a chance to work on this everyday, but I hope to have more time for animating in the future.
Well anyways, if you want to know some fun facts, here ya go:
1.) The original ending was a lot less funny. The principal is just confronting the speaker, and says that he's not going to pay the speaker, but the speaker steals the money. However, I went on a walk, and the idea for the ending that you saw just popped into my head.
2.) I listened to a lot of stand up comedy while writing/animating this. That's pretty much what inspired the "different" type of humor that this cartoon had.
3.) 3.14159265358979323846264 (That was from my head, I didn't look it up) (Also, I know how unimpressive it is, every girl has told me that).
4.) Since Dog Expert got overwhelmingly positive reception from my family members (not on newgrounds though. [insert sad face here]), I decided to make Demotivational Speaker in a simalar style, while trying to make it inspired by stand up comedy.
Okay, that's it folks! See ya in 7* more months!
*That was a joke. **
**Or was it?